Sergii Lysenko

Sergii Lysenko

Private entrepreneur at professional IT and Quality Assurance services

Phone: +38 067 335 7755

Skype: sergey.lysenko


LinkedIn: LinkedIn profile

Upwork: Upwork profile

Summary of Qualifications

18+ years of experience in:

Professional Skills

Work Experience (only major projects are listed):

06/20 - now    Lysenko PE

01/20 - 06/20    Intellect EU

06/19 - 01/20     Intellect EU

10/16 - 06/19    Infopulse Ukraine

08/15 - 10/16    Cartographic Center of Military Forces of Ukraine

01/10 - 08/15    Infopulse Ukraine

06/08 - 12/09 Aidoss Ukraine

12/07 - 05/08     Negeso Ukraine

06/06 - 11/07     Visiprise Ukraine

10/02 - 05/06      Infopulse Ukraine

10/00 - 04/02     Military Forces of Ukraine

Spoken languages: Ukrainian (native), Russuan (freely), English (freely, upper intermediate)

Education: "Ukrainian college" high school in 1998, "NTUU KPI" in 1998-2000 and 2002-2003

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